I’m Pranav Vijay.
The guy writing behind this Blog.

This blog started with me to document everything I learn, and share a bit of myself with the world.
It hosts all of my writing on Data Science, Programming, Visualizations, and improving yourself in general. Here I publish notes on everything I learn from books, articles, speeches and many more. But pattern remains the same, everything revolving around my curiosity towards data

I’m a regular practitioner of Data Science, I’m comfortable using Python, SQL and more data driven technologies. Apart from this I’ve good understanding of Machine Learning algorithms and different types of Visualizations and Statistics. In very starting of my career I was associated with a Korean company and in resultant of that the name of this blog contains some korean accent with it. The name DEITEO comes from korean language, which means DATA. 😉

Statistically, I guess nobody wants to be average. Moreover, nobody wants to just see the word “average” in a piece of writing. Why? Because nobody knows exactly what it means. There are not one, not two, but three different definitions of “average” in statistics, and when you use the word, your reader has only a 33.3% chance of guessing correctly which one you mean.
I think, being successful in life inevitably depends on either doing things that waren’t mandatory or being lucky with circumstances. Since you can’t control the latter, working hard and smarter on goals of your own design is the only option available to you.

If you enjoy my work you can reach me out @

I Love You.
Pranav Vijay